Monday, 28 October 2013

Getting Inspired by Aimee Chalmers

This is the last think I knitted - at least fifteen years ago, made mainly from an old rope I picked up on the shore at Anstruther. It was dirty and smelly and I was quite embarrassed carrying it though the streets to the car. But, washed in the washing machine and untangled, it was like silk! 

And this is the wool I bought from Elena's Yarn and Fibre Studio in Perth. I was so excited to see it, perfect texture for rough moorland - the heather out... the pools of peaty water seeping into my boots. I must have it! I got so carried away I forgot I was supposed to be knitting a rectangle of sea!

Monday, 14 October 2013

It's all coming together! by Aimee Chalmers

Last week I was thrilled when I realised we'd actually managed to recruit enough women to make our Scotland Handknit Map a reality. Right, time to get everything ready to send out!

Guidelines.  Done, just need to test them. Colour chart, yes.  Thanks Catriona. Map templates. Done... hmm... well, some of them were cut slightly off line. 'But they'll do,' I said. 'Won't they? Surely.' But maybe... I decided to look again. Out came the ruler.  Oops! Some were as much as 5mm out. And if one row was out by 5mm, how would that affect the next line? And the next? Would it be a disaster?  

Possibly. We couldn't take the risk. So, instead of starting with a small map ( as we did the first time), blowing it up to massive proportions and getting it cut into 36 rectangles, we started with the rectangles - 36 pieces of A5 card. This morning we fixed them together (with micropore tape) at the corners, in rows, joined the rows together, looked for somewhere to lay them out.  Where shall I put it Catriona? 

You might have laughed to see us crawling about on our knees for three hours on Catriona's kitchen floor, copying a map of Scotland.  But luckily there was no-one with a camera around.

Was it worth it?   Certainly! We have 36 new templates, perfectly equal in size, each marked with a code number A1-F6, each with an orientation (BL - meaning Bottom Left) each with 'land' and 'sea' marked (except the ones which are of the sea only - they're marked 'sea' just in case someone forgets). We have a new mini-map so you can match your rectangle to its correct position. We have sore knees... no, just kidding!

Please make sure you send your address in soon,  so you can get your template delivered in the old-fashioned way.

Happy knitting!

Welcome to the new Scotland Handknit blog!

Welcome readers and knitters! We will be following the Scotland Handknit project over the coming months. While we work on populating this blog, you can read our article on the National Collective website to get a bit of background on the project. We have reached our minimum quota for knitters just now, but if you would like to be on the reserve list, please get in touch!